Tuesday, October 12, 2004

peglegged clogdancer

parlor-trick neurology

my dream girl

crazy musical instruments: the stick

buy a castle in prague

heard that familiar critique of modern art? ever thought a child could do as well? here's your proof delivered sans irony.

Thursday, October 07, 2004


another one for the file "When I grow up..."

you guys know this is hot shit.

we understand the relative superiority of forbidden fruit, now try Forbidden Library

hot finnish goth chick photography. yeah, you heard right.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

punishing halitosis

from the WTF files: central minnesota ghostbusters

to rock is to embrace excess, AKA more heinously ostentatious guitars

read about my summer job here

siphon some truth from conspiracy hound David Icke

this is even stranger when you read a little bit

don't make any plans, unless those plans are potable water/canned food/fallout shelter: Exit Mundi

now everybody go see Shaun of the Dead. Now.